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Jason Gardner - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Jason Gardner
Nacido enUnited States
19 years
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Jenelle Fenton
Being Jason's mom there are many memories I have of him, but there is one that stands out more. When Jason was about 8 years old we were on our way to visit Grandpa in Antigo. Jason was in the back seat of the car and all of a sudden he let out this blood curdling scream. He jumped to the front seat of the car and was panicking. I had no clue what was going on but pulled the car over and Jason jumped out. He was running around the car and I see this Bee chasing him. His brother Josey and I started laughing so hard and Jason was extremely upset. He cried and was shaking so bad that he just dropped to the ground and sat there. The Bee finally flew away but Jason had a fear of Bee's after that event.  What a time that was for the whole family. We still laugh about that today.
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